Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A beach by any other name

Analysis of Results: Interpret and analyze your results for each station by answering the following questions in your science journal.

 Activity 1: A Beach by Any Other Name 
1. Contrast the differences between a primary and a secondary coastline.
A primary coast line is a coast line created by erosion and other geological processes where as a secondary coastline is formed by organic means.

2. Provide three examples of the processes involved in both primary and secondary coastline classifications.
Erosion, volcanic activity, and glaciers form primary coasts. Secondary coasts are formed by waves, marine life, and the lowering of the sea level.

3. Contrast the east and west coasts of the United States based on the primary forces that are responsible for shaping their coastlines.
The west coast's coasts are mostly glacial and volcanic. The east coast's coasts are erosion based with some secondary coasts to the south. There is also glacial coasts up towards the north.

 Activity 2: It's All in the Mix, A Study of Estuary Classification Based on Water Circulation. 
1. Based on your data, the profiles you graphed, and the information provided in your text, provide an explanation for the three distinct estuary circulations.
The first distinct estuary circulation is a salt wedge and this occurs when high-salinity seawater slips into the estuary under the less dense fresh water from a river.  The second distinct estuary circulation is a vertically mixed estuary where there is no distinct water layer. The third distinct estuary circulation are the between ones where the water partly mixes but there are still layers.

2. What are factors that could influence the circulation of water within an estuary?
Factors like temperature and pressure can influence water circulation in an estuary.

3. If you are fishing in an estuary that is well stratified is it possible to catch both freshwater and marine fish in the same general spot? Explain.
Yes, depending on the depth on which you are fishing.

4. Provide two examples of adaptations that estuary life had to make during their evolution that are different from open water marine species adaptations.
And adaptation made is that estuary's are where marine life go to be nursed and grow up until the organisms grow up and move out. Estuary's are like nurseries in the sense that they also provide protection from the elements, which is something open ocean marine organisms don't have.

 Activity 3: Judging a Book by its Cover 
1. Describe the economic services that are provided by estuaries.
Estuary's are like nurseries.

2. Describe the ecological services that are provided by estuaries.
Estuary's are nurseries that provide protection from the elements and other organisms.

3. No matter which estuaries are being discussed, they seem to be plagued by variations of the same
three different categories of human impacts. What are these impacts?
Pollution, development, and hunting/ fishing out the population.

4. Provide two examples of pollution problems that seem to be common in estuaries.
Trash and sewage are two examples of pollution problems that seem to be common in estuaries.

5. Provide two examples of development problems that seem to be common in estuaries.
Destruction of the fragile environment, and the development of structures on the habitats.


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